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21 September | 8:00 - 11:05 PM (U.S. Eastern Time)

which would be on 22 September | 8:00 - 11:05 AM (Philippine Time)

8:00 – 8:05 pm

Welcome Remarks     Gay Perez

8:05 – 9:20 pm

Claire Parkinson   "A Satellite Record of Arctic Sea Ice"

Arnold Gordon    "The On and Off Again Weddell Polynya"

Rob Massom        "Change and variability in Antarctic sea ice: Implications and challenges"

Kohei Cho            "Global Monitoring with remote sensing and SNS"

Lourdes Cruz        "Why worry about Philippine sustainability?"

9:20 – 9:25 pm


9:25 – 10:55 pm

Lemnuel Aragones   "Conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the                                                             Philippines based on select cases"

Gisela Concepcion  "Microbial Symbionts of Shipworms Thriving in Unique Habitats:                                                 OMICS & Drug Discovery"

Vicky Espaldon         "Rediscovering Laguna de Bay: An Introduction of the Book                                                        Dedicated to the Future Generations of Filipinos"

Shirley Agrupris       "Alternative Source of Energy: The Bioethanol Program of MMSU"

Manfred Lange        "Impacts of Climate and Environmental Changes in the                                                                Mediterranean"

Peter Wadhams       "What can we learn from matching aerial and satellite data of sea                                                ice with ground truth?"

10:55 – 11:05 pm

Message from Joey Comiso and Closing

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2020 by @ching_garcia 

Maka-Diyos, Maka-kalikasan, Maka-tao, Maka-bansa 

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